Qualifications and Requirements of
2nd Squad Living History Group

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Basic Requirements for Membership in 2nd Squad Living History Group

1. Must be at least 21 years of age.
2. Must live within a 2 hour radius of Baltimore
3. The 2nd Squad Living History Group must be your PRIMARY re-enacting unit.
4. Must be prepared through education and finances to do an authentic ww2 impression
5. Must be willing to follow unit rules and policies.
6. Ability to complete 1mile in full gear including battle dress, equipment, and firearm.
7. Must be able to provide own transportation to and from events.

Unit Probation

Probation will last 6 months from date of sign-up.  During that time, you must learn all unit policies/rules.  Serious breach of safety and/or conduct will lead to dismissal from the unit

Rules and Regulations

1. Must pass probation without incident.
2. Must attend a minimum of one (1) tactical battle with the unit.
3. Must be familiar and demonstrate safe handling of a firearm
4. Any incidence involving unsafe handling of firearm or any other weapon including but not limited to; knives, brass knuckles, entrenching tools, scissors, axes, picks, etc, will result in automatic and immediate dismissal from the 2nd Squad Living History Group.
5. There will be no exceptions to rule #4.
6. Failure to represent the 2nd Squad in a professional, respectable manner will be considered a violation of unit probation. 
7. Consistent efforts to report to Roll Call sign in are expected.
8. Missing three sign-in efforts will result in immediate dismissal from 2nd Squad. 


Please complete the following form to the best of your ability. Upon majority vote of 2nd Squad members, you will be invited to participate with the 2nd Squad as a probationary member.


How did you hear about our group?


Please tell us why you are interested in
joining the 2nd Squad Living History Group

Tell us how to get in touch with you:









Zip Code

Please contact me as soon as possible regarding this matter.






2nd Squad Living History Group
Copyright © 2003 [2nd Squad Living History Group]. All rights reserved.
Revised: 01/17/08.